Executive Producers: Hugh Laurie (left) and Andrew Adamson (right)
Source: New Dawn FM
Link: http://bougainville.typepad.com/newdawn/2011/06/020611filming-of-mr-pip-underway-by-maria-laukai-the-filming-of-mr-pip-is-now-underway-at-pidia-home-of-the-late-william-tak.html
The filming of Mr Pip is now underway at Pidia, home of the late William Takaku by executive producers of the movie, Andrew Adamson and Robin Scholes who arrived in Bougainville two weeks ago.
The film is about the last white man Mr Pip living on the war-torn island of Bougainville who re-opens a school and inspires students by reading the book ‘Great Expectations’.
Mr Pip will be played by United State’s highest paid actor in TV drama Laurie Hughes.
A number of Bougainvillean actors and actresses will be playing major roles in the movie, including 14 year old Hutjena Secondary school student Xzannjah Matsi who will be starring as Matilda, a student of Mr Pip and Kieta beauty Florence Keroro who will be acting the part of Mrs Watts.
Former ABG member of parliament Francisca Semoso also landed a role in the movie after she went through audition along with other aspiring Bougainville actors and actresses early this year.
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Although the book is fictional some of the chapters are almost real in what we know happened.
Mr PIP is a brilliant book and am sure it will also be a brillaint movie.
I cannot wait to see the movie especially seeing Bougainvilleans in the movie.